Week Calendar

Age Group
Age Group
Program Type
Library Branch
Registration Type

Primary tabs

On narrow displays, the weekly calendar is wider than the screen. You can side-scroll within this table to view events and reservations for the whole week.
Time Sun (8/03) Mon (8/04) Tue (8/05) Wed (8/06) Thu (8/07) Fri (8/08) Sat (8/09)
10 am
This event is in the "Adult" group.


10:00am - 11:00am
Rolling Prairie Branch
Library Branch: Rolling Prairie Branch
Room: RP-Meeting Room
Age Group: Adult
Program Description: Book Discussion
Event Details:

Please join us for a lively discussion of this month's selection. Newcomers are always welcome!

This event is in the "0-5" group.

Play & Learn Ages 0-3

10:00am - 10:30am
Main Library
Library Branch: Main Library
Room: MN-Multipurpose Room
Age Group: 0-5
Program Description: Storytime
Event Details:

Sing, move, dance, and rhyme with us during this interactive storytime!

Babies and their grown-up are encouraged to engage and participate in a storytime structured around the Every Child Ready to Readâ„¢ curriculum! Classes incorporate books, technology, movement, and hands-on practice to engage children and adults in a fun, friendly environment.

This week, we are celebrating back to school season!

This event is in the "0-5" group.

Stories & More Ages 3-5

10:00am - 10:30am
Main Library
Library Branch: Main Library
Room: MN-Multipurpose Room
Age Group: 0-5
Program Description: Storytime
Event Details:

Get ready for kindergarten with stories, songs, movement and more!

Preparing for kindergarten begins long before preschool and kindergarten sign ups! Storytimes build the skills needed for kindergarten and provide helpful tips for adults to use at home. Structured around the Every Child Ready to Readâ„¢ Curriculum, storytime is a great way to have fun while working on reading skills, social skills, and motor skills.

This week is all about back to school season! This week's craft is an excellent activity for enhancing cutting skills and color ordering. 

11 am
12 pm
This event is in the "Adult" group.

Cover to Cover

12:00pm - 1:00pm
Union Mills Branch
Library Branch: Union Mills Branch
Room: UM-Meeting Room
Age Group: Adult
Program Description: Book Discussion
Event Details:

Please join us for a lively discussion of this month's selection. Newcomers are always welcome!

This event is in the "0-5" group.

Play & Learn Ages 0-3

12:00pm - 12:30pm
Kingsford Heights Branch
Library Branch: Kingsford Heights Branch
Age Group: 0-5
Program Description: Storytime

Sing, move, dance, and rhyme with us during this interactive storytime!

Babies and their grown-up are encouraged to engage and participate in a storytime structured around the Every Child Ready to Readâ„¢ curriculum! Classes incorporate books, technology, movement, and hands-on practice to engage children and adults in a fun, friendly environment.

1 pm
This event is in the "Adult" group.

Botanical Prints

1:00pm - 2:00pm
Union Mills Branch
Library Branch: Union Mills Branch
Room: UM-Meeting Room
Age Group: Adult
Program Description: Art, Gardening and Nature
Event Details:

Explore the art of botanical printing by hammering flowers onto paper to create vibrant, detailed prints. Experiment with plant pigments, alter their colors using various solutions, and bring your creation to life with watercolor accents.

This event is in the "Adult" group.

Teacher Book Club

1:00pm - 2:00pm
Coolspring Branch
Library Branch: Coolspring Branch
Room: CS-Meeting Room
Age Group: Adult
Program Description: Book Discussion
Event Details:

Are you a teacher at Michigan City, La Porte, or New Prairie Schools? Looking for a fun way to earn PGP points? Join our summer Teacher Book Club!

This event is in the "Family" group.

Adopt a Pet Rock

1:00pm - 2:30pm
Kingsford Heights Branch
Library Branch: Kingsford Heights Branch
Age Group: Family
Program Description: Art
Event Details:

Pet rocks are much different than your average pet. They are quiet, do not eat much or make messes, and they are great listeners. 

This event is in the "Adult" group.

Teacher Book Club

1:00pm - 2:00pm
Union Mills Branch
Library Branch: Union Mills Branch
Room: UM-Meeting Room
Age Group: Adult
Program Description: Book Discussion
Event Details:

Are you a teacher at South Central or Westville Schools? Looking for a fun way to earn PGP points? Join our summer Teacher Book Club!

2 pm
This event is in the "Adult" group.

That's a Stretch: Chair Yoga for Seniors and Beginners

2:00pm - 2:45pm
Fish Lake Branch
Library Branch: Fish Lake Branch
Room: FL-Meeting Room
Age Group: Adult
Program Description: Health and Wellness
Event Details:

This beginner-friendly yoga class focuses on improving balance, flexibility, and strength through breathing, stretching, and yoga poses.

This event is in the "Teen" group.

Teen Club: Mario Kart Party

2:00pm - 4:00pm
Hanna Branch
Library Branch: Hanna Branch
Room: HA-Meeting Room
Age Group: Teen
Program Description: Games and Play
Event Details:

Get your game on and join us for an end-of-summer celebration as we drift around various courses on Mario Kart. Power-up with snacks and go for the gold! 

3 pm
This event is in the "Adult" group.

Tech Help Table

3:00pm - 5:00pm
Coolspring Branch
Library Branch: Coolspring Branch
Room: CS-Meeting Room
Age Group: Adult
Program Description: Technology
Event Details:

Do you need help setting up a new device or have any questions about your electronics? Come in and speak with one of our Digital Navigators to better understand your technology and how it can work for you!

4 pm
This event is in the "Adult" group.

Writing Workshop with Samuel Love

4:00pm - 6:00pm
Rolling Prairie Branch
Library Branch: Rolling Prairie Branch
Room: RP-Meeting Room
Age Group: Adult
Program Description: Presentation
Event Details:

The La Porte County Public Library is pleased to host a workshop led by local writer and documentarian Samuel Love on oral history interviewing techniques. 

This event is in the "6-11" group.

Creative Kids - Back to School

4:00pm - 5:00pm
Main Library
Library Branch: Main Library
Room: MN-Multipurpose Room
Age Group: 6-11
Program Description: Games and Play, STEAM
Event Details:

Let your creative sparks fly! Creative Kids takes place the first Wednesday of each month and is an opportunity to cultivate your inner creativity while you learn a new craft or skill!

5 pm
This event is in the "Family" group.

Family Storytime

5:00pm - 5:30pm
Main Library
Library Branch: Main Library
Room: MN-Multipurpose Room
Age Group: Family
Program Description: Storytime
Event Details:

This family-friendly storytime focuses on stories, songs and more for all ages!

Storytimes build the skills needed for kindergarten and provide helpful tips for adults to use at home. Structured around the Every Child Ready to Readâ„¢ Curriculum, storytime is a great way to have fun while working on reading skills, social skills, and motor skills.

This week is all about back to school season! This week's craft is an excellent activity for enhancing cutting skills and color ordering. 

This event is in the "Adult" group.

Talk & Stitch

5:30pm - 7:30pm
LPCPL Exchange
Library Branch: LPCPL Exchange
Age Group: Adult
Program Description: Maker
Event Details:

Interested in knitting, crochet, hand-sewing, or other needlework projects? Whether you're just learning or have decades of experience, join fellow fiber craft enthusiasts for an evening of stitching!

This event is in the "Adult" group.

Paper Weaving

5:00pm - 6:30pm
Main Library
Library Branch: Main Library
Room: MN-Meeting Room B
Age Group: Adult
Program Description: Art
Event Details:

Explore the art of paper weaving and create unique, colorful projects like bookmarks, greeting cards, and frameable art!

This event is in the "Teen" group.
This event is in the "Adult" group.

3D Printing Meetup

5:30pm - 7:30pm
Teen, Adult
LPCPL Exchange
Library Branch: LPCPL Exchange
Room: EX-Classroom
Age Group: Teen, Adult
Program Description: Maker
Event Details:

Want to learn more about 3D printing? Join us on the first Thursday of each month to create 3D models, prototype, and skill share.


Exchange Safety

During this class, you will work with machinery and a variety of tools. Closed toe shoes are required. Avoid wearing baggy clothing or dangling jewelry, and tie back long hair.