Upcoming Events

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Age Group
Program Type
Library Branch
Library Branch
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This event is in the "Adult" group.


10:00am - 11:00am
Rolling Prairie Branch
Library Branch: Rolling Prairie Branch
Room: RP-Meeting Room
Age Group: Adult
Program Description: Book Discussion
Event Details:

Please join us for a lively discussion of this month's book. Newcomers are always welcome.

This event is in the "Adult" group.

Sleep on It: Why Sleep Matters

5:00pm - 6:00pm
Rolling Prairie Branch
Library Branch: Rolling Prairie Branch
Room: RP-Meeting Room
Age Group: Adult
Program Description: Health and Wellness, Presentation
Event Details:

Sleep is essential to physical and mental health, as it helps our bodies and minds recover and rejuvenate from the stressors of everyday life.

Staff In-Service Day

All Day
All Branches
Book Bike, Coolspring Branch, Fish Lake Branch, Hanna Branch, Kingsford Heights Branch, LPCPL Exchange, Main Library, Mobile Library, Rolling Prairie Branch, Union Mills Branch, Library in the Community, Online
This event is in the "Adult" group.


10:00am - 11:00am
Rolling Prairie Branch
Library Branch: Rolling Prairie Branch
Room: RP-Meeting Room
Age Group: Adult
Program Description: Book Discussion
Event Details:

Please join us for a lively discussion of this month's book. Newcomers are always welcome.

Memorial Day

All Day
All Branches
Book Bike, Coolspring Branch, Fish Lake Branch, Hanna Branch, Kingsford Heights Branch, LPCPL Exchange, Main Library, Mobile Library, Rolling Prairie Branch, Union Mills Branch, Library in the Community, Online
This event is in the "Adult" group.


10:00am - 11:00am
Rolling Prairie Branch
Library Branch: Rolling Prairie Branch
Room: RP-Meeting Room
Age Group: Adult
Program Description: Book Discussion
Event Details:

Please join us for a lively discussion of this month's selection. Newcomers are always welcome!

This event is in the "6-11" group.

Science Heroes: Adventure of the Missing Color

10:00am - 11:00am
Rolling Prairie Branch
Library Branch: Rolling Prairie Branch
Room: RP-Meeting Room
Age Group: 6-11
Program Description: STEAM
Event Details:

Join Science Heroes on our mission to turn science into an adventure!

This event is in the "Teen" group.
This event is in the "Adult" group.

Make a Resume

10:00am - 12:00pm
Teen, Adult
Rolling Prairie Branch
Library Branch: Rolling Prairie Branch
Room: RP-Meeting Room
Age Group: Teen, Adult
Program Description: Technology
Event Details:

Do you need to create a resume or refresh your existing one? Join us for an interactive session packed with best practices, expert tips, and practical advice to help your resume stand out from the competition!

This event is in the "Family" group.

Cooking with Kids - Mini Pizzas

4:00pm - 5:00pm
Rolling Prairie Branch
Library Branch: Rolling Prairie Branch
Room: RP-Meeting Room
Age Group: Family
Program Description: Health and Wellness, Presentation
Registration Required
Seats Remaining: 10
Event Details:

Join us as we learn basic cooking skills, promote healthy eating habits, and enjoy some yummy food together!


Food Allergies

We cannot guarantee that food served at this program has not come into contact with tree nuts, soy, or other allergens.

This event is in the "0-5" group.

Stories & More Ages 3-5

10:00am - 10:30am
Rolling Prairie Branch
Library Branch: Rolling Prairie Branch
Room: RP-Meeting Room
Age Group: 0-5
Program Description: Storytime
Event Details:

Get ready for kindergarten with stories, songs, movement and more!

Preparing for kindergarten begins long before preschool and kindergarten sign ups! Storytimes build the skills needed for kindergarten and provide helpful tips for adults to use at home. Structured around the Every Child Ready to Readâ„¢ Curriculum, storytime is a great way to have fun while working on reading skills, social skills, and motor skills.

This week is all about unicorns and color!

Independence Day

All Day
All Branches
Book Bike, Coolspring Branch, Fish Lake Branch, Hanna Branch, Kingsford Heights Branch, LPCPL Exchange, Main Library, Mobile Library, Rolling Prairie Branch, Union Mills Branch, Library in the Community, Online
This event is in the "Adult" group.


10:00am - 11:00am
Rolling Prairie Branch
Library Branch: Rolling Prairie Branch
Room: RP-Meeting Room
Age Group: Adult
Program Description: Book Discussion
Event Details:

Please join us for a lively discussion of this month's selection. Newcomers are always welcome!

This event is in the "0-5" group.

Stories & More Ages 3-5

10:00am - 10:30am
Rolling Prairie Branch
Library Branch: Rolling Prairie Branch
Room: RP-Meeting Room
Age Group: 0-5
Program Description: Storytime

Get ready for kindergarten with stories, songs, movement and more!

Preparing for kindergarten begins long before preschool and kindergarten sign ups! Storytimes build the skills needed for kindergarten and provide helpful tips for adults to use at home. Structured around the Every Child Ready to Readâ„¢ Curriculum, storytime is a great way to have fun while working on reading skills, social skills, and motor skills.

This event is in the "Family" group.

Resources for Homeschool Families

12:00pm - 1:00pm
Rolling Prairie Branch
Library Branch: Rolling Prairie Branch
Room: RP-Meeting Room
Age Group: Family
Program Description: Local Interests
Event Details:

Are you planning to homeschool your children next year? Join us to explore the curriculums and resources the library offers, along with helpful opportunities from our community for homeschooling families!

This event is in the "Adult" group.


10:00am - 11:00am
Rolling Prairie Branch
Library Branch: Rolling Prairie Branch
Room: RP-Meeting Room
Age Group: Adult
Program Description: Book Discussion
Event Details:

Please join us for a lively discussion of this month's selection. Newcomers are always welcome!

This event is in the "Adult" group.

Writing Workshop with Samuel Love

4:00pm - 6:00pm
Rolling Prairie Branch
Library Branch: Rolling Prairie Branch
Room: RP-Meeting Room
Age Group: Adult
Program Description: Presentation
Event Details:

The La Porte County Public Library is pleased to host a workshop led by local writer and documentarian Samuel Love on oral history interviewing techniques. 

Labor Day

All Day
All Branches
Book Bike, Coolspring Branch, Fish Lake Branch, Hanna Branch, Kingsford Heights Branch, LPCPL Exchange, Main Library, Mobile Library, Rolling Prairie Branch, Union Mills Branch, Library in the Community, Online

Thanksgiving Day Eve

5:00pm - 8:00pm
All Branches
Book Bike, Coolspring Branch, Fish Lake Branch, Hanna Branch, Kingsford Heights Branch, LPCPL Exchange, Main Library, Mobile Library, Rolling Prairie Branch, Union Mills Branch, Library in the Community, Online

Thanksgiving Day

All Day
All Branches
Book Bike, Coolspring Branch, Fish Lake Branch, Hanna Branch, Kingsford Heights Branch, LPCPL Exchange, Main Library, Mobile Library, Rolling Prairie Branch, Union Mills Branch, Library in the Community, Online

Christmas Eve

All Day
All Branches
Book Bike, Coolspring Branch, Fish Lake Branch, Hanna Branch, Kingsford Heights Branch, LPCPL Exchange, Main Library, Mobile Library, Rolling Prairie Branch, Union Mills Branch, Library in the Community, Online

Christmas Day

All Day
All Branches
Book Bike, Coolspring Branch, Fish Lake Branch, Hanna Branch, Kingsford Heights Branch, LPCPL Exchange, Main Library, Mobile Library, Rolling Prairie Branch, Union Mills Branch, Library in the Community, Online

New Year's Eve

5:00pm - 8:00pm
All Branches
Book Bike, Coolspring Branch, Fish Lake Branch, Hanna Branch, Kingsford Heights Branch, LPCPL Exchange, Main Library, Mobile Library, Rolling Prairie Branch, Union Mills Branch, Library in the Community, Online

New Year's Day

All Day
All Branches
Book Bike, Coolspring Branch, Fish Lake Branch, Hanna Branch, Kingsford Heights Branch, LPCPL Exchange, Main Library, Mobile Library, Rolling Prairie Branch, Union Mills Branch, Library in the Community, Online