Memorials & Donations

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We depend on support from individuals like you to support early learning, summer reading, workforce development, and so much more.

Material Donations

Gifts of Books and Other Materials

We generally do not accept unsolicited donations  of books or other material for our collections. Our buildings have serious space constraints and there are significant costs associated with sorting, reviewing, and processing donated material. 

If you think your potential donation will complement our existing collections, we invite you to tell us about it using our donation contact form and someone will contact you.

If we accept your gift, it is with the understanding that it becomes the property of the Library, and the Library will make all decisions regarding its retention, location, cataloging, use, and disposition. Materials accepted but not added to the collections will be sold, donated, or otherwise disposed of.

Memorial Gifts

You may wish to honor the memory of someone special by making a monetary donation for the collection or for program support. Proper acknowledgement will be sent, and a book plate will be displayed in the titles selected for the collection.

Memorial & Donation Inquiries

What type of donation are you inquiring about?
We will include a bookplate in the purchased item with the person's name.
Would you like to request your donation be used for specific types of books or other library materials?
Please provide information about the number of volumes, their format, titles, authorship, etc.
Please note that space constraints mean we cannot process most physical donations. We generally add material based on its relevance, interest to the community, and other principlies outlined in our Collection Development Policy.
Contact Preference
How should we follow up with you about your donation request?

Ways to Give

Annual Giving

Annual giving from Library supporters is vital to helping  the Library continue to deliver services that the community has come to expect. If you would like to make an annual donation to the library, consider contributing to the La Porte County Public Library’s Unity Foundation Fund. A contribution to the fund will make an impact for years to come.  

Planned Gifts and Bequests

When planning your estate, consider leaving a gift in your will or living trust for organizations that made a difference in your life. There are a variety of ways you can make a charitable planned gift to the Library. Your estate attorney, accountant, or other financial advisor can provide you with more details on the types of gifts and the tangible benefits they offer.

Donations of Time

Volunteering can be a rewarding way to support the Library. Volunteers help the librarians fulfill the Library’s mission in many ways. 

Other Donations and Partnerships

We accept online donations! 

Make a donation online

We are also happy to accept cash donations, donations by check, or develop partnerships with organizations or individuals that are mutually beneficial to the Library, residents and community organizations or businesses. Please contact the library with any questions.