Look at these statements from headline articles in The La Porte Herald-Argus in November 1924. Terminology, capitalization, and what makes headline news can be different. Yet accidents, business, crime, and war still make headlines. Want to read the whole article? It’s on microfilm in the Indiana Room at the Main Library. Staff will be glad to help you access it.
November 1
Mischa Elman of the magic fiddle bow, made his first appearance in LaPorte last night when he gave a recital at the LaPorte theatre for about 1,100 members of the Civic Music association.
November 3
Marion, O. – Mrs. Florence Kling Harding, widow of the late President, is seriously ill at White Oaks Farm here, it was learned today.
November 4
A record vote, which may reach the 23,000 mark, was being cast in LaPorte county today, according to information gathered at noon.
November 5
A $75,000,000 mortgage, believed to be the largest ever recorded in LaPorte county, was entered in the county records today by Ben C. Rees, of Smith, Rees and Smith, attorneys of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad.
November 6
(Muncie, IN) – The town of Gaston, near here, is burning and it is feared the entire business section will be destroyed.
November 7
(Cincinnati) – Forest fires were raging in three states today. Sections of Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio were turning out to fight the flames which were adding hourly to damages already reaching hundreds of thousands of dollars.
November 8
(Chicago) – President Coolidge may take personal direction of the federal prohibition forces to “dry up the country,” according to an interview printed in the Chicago Daily News today with Dr. Clarence True Wilson, secretary of the board of temperance, prohibition and public welfare of the Methodist Episcopal church.
November 10
(Barcelona) – With the execution of two anarchists this morning, the police here believe they definitely crushed a revolutionary plot against Spain’s military directorate.
November 11
(Bedford City) – Eight inmates of the Elks National Home here are dead and 17 are seriously ill and not expected to live as a result of drinking cider which contained arsenic here Monday.
November 12
An epidemic of hiccoughs has hit Michigan City.
November 13
The election on ..ov 4 cost LaPorte county approximately $19,253 of $1.02 for every vote cast, according to figures obtained today in County Auditor Fred Hausheer’s office.
November 14
The new state road between LaPorte and South Bend, which the state highway department plans to build next year, is not the only new highway that will be constructed in this county in 1925, it was learned today. In the 1925 program the state department has included the long proposed Michigan City-Lafayette road.
November 15
(South Bend, IN) – The four horsemen of Notre Dame – Miller, Crowley, Layden and Stuhldreher – were groomed like a crack cavalry brigade by Knute Rockne today and ordered to “ride all over Nebraska.”
November 17
(Chicago) – Four hundred and fifty gunmen were under arrest here today in the drive of police to rid the city of undesirables.
November 18
The first hunting fatality in LaPorte county this year occurred late Monday afternoon when William Thomas, 29, a farmer, accidentally shot and killed Walter Gloor, 24, his friend and neighbor, while they were hunting rabbits on the Jacob Floor farm about five miles east of Wanatah.
November 19
The annual book exhibit of the public library will open Thursday at 2 p.m. and will be in charge of the Emerson club during the afternoon, Miss Florence Case, librarian, said today.
November 20
Cheering news for local merchants was announced today by local banks when estimates of Christmas savings showed a total fo $138,000 that will be loosed Dec. 10 for spending.
November 21
Thanksgiving turkeys will be about five cents cheaper than last year, with little likelihood of a shortage, LaPorte poultry dealers said today. Turkeys are plentiful now at 45 cents a pound, New York dressed, as compared to 50 and 55 cents a year ago.
November 22
LaPorte is to have a nine hole, semi-public golf course provided there are 200 persons in the city willing to pay a nominal membership fee and yearly dues for the privilege of using the course, it was announced today.
November 24
(London) – Five British warships, including the dreadnaught Iron Duke, converged on Egypt today to enforce the demands of Great Britain for reparation for the murder of Sir Lee Stack.
November 25
A robber or robbers smashed a front window of the Steinberg jewelry store at 2:45 a. m. today and escaped with approximately $600 worth of watches and rings.
November 26
The British Isles and LaPorte were closely linked by radio Tuesday night. Numerous telephone calls to the Radio Club, Inc., and to The Herald-Argus office today announced the fact. It is believed more than 50 local radio fans heard the tinkling piano and brogue of the announcer of the Aberdeen, Scotland, station between 10:#0 and 11 p.m.
November 27
(Indianapolis) – Thanksgiving accidents took a toll of five dead and six injured in Indiana. Four were killed in auto accidents and one wa sshot while hunting. The injured were all hurt in auto crashes.
November 28
LaPorte will entertain royalty soon. Prince Dmitry Alexanderevitch Kopenksy, erstwhile body guard to the late Czar of Russia, a Siberian exile and internationally known for his attacks on the Red regime in his native land, will speak in LaPorte.