Look at these statements from headline articles in the La Porte Argus in November 1922. Terminology, capitalization, and what makes headline news can be different. Yet accidents, business, crime, and war still make headlines. Want to read the whole article? It’s on microfilm in the Indiana Room at the Main Library. Staff will be glad to help you access it.
November 2
President Harding celebrates two birthdays today, 57 years as Warren G. Harding and two years as elected president of the United States.
November 3
Feminists hope that the five million American women, voting for the second time in a national election, will send five members of their sex to congress with the aid of male voters.
November 4
A shipment of ladies’ chiffon silk hose, with the one inch French seam, have arrived at Lows’ Clothing Store. A good many women have been waiting for them.
November 6
Due to the failure of the speaker from Gary to appear, the Kiwanis club meeting was devoted to impromptu talks by members declaring why they were in their particular businesses.
November 7
Michigan City streets are covered with sample ballots showing “Protestant, Roman Catholic or Jew” for each individual. Supposedly they were distributed by the Ku Klux Klan after midnight.
November 8
The national election shows a big Democratic landslide, but a light vote in Michigan City and lack of party unison defeats Democrats in La Porte County.
November 9
There will be no women members of congress after March 4 when a woman who was filling in the unexpired term of her father leaves.
November 10
Mrs. Warren G. Harding wife of the president, was able to leave her bed for a short time today for the first time since she became seriously ill over two months ago.
November 11
For one minute at 11 o’clock this morning La Porte bowed in homage to the soldier dead who gave their lives on the fields of France in the World War. Telephone operators bowed to the east.
November 13
The La Porte Chapter of the Red Cross held a directors meeting in the Red Cross rooms at the Masonic Temple. The La Pore Chapter is the only one in La Porte county.
November 14
A United States marshal and two deputies arrive in La Porte and destroy over $15,000 worth of equipment and beverages at a brewing company plant which had been closed following a raid.
November 15
A man is arrested for driving over a fire hose during a fire on Lincolnway. He is the first to be prosecuted since the war on traffic law violators who interfere with the fire department began.
November 16
La Porte has a shortage of anthrocite coal and there is no immediate relief in sight. A few tons were sold before they arrived. People need to use bituminous coal or coke.
November 17
A La Porte insurance man says that the accidents which occurred during the paving of Jefferson and Harrison streets and Maple avenue have cost his company $1000 in the past two months.
November 18
There are rumors that a third political party may be formed by the interests of the country opposed to prohibition.
November 20
In accordance with his program of supplying for himself all raw materials required for the manufacture of automobiles, Henry Ford buys a W. Va. coal mine for $1,250,000.
November 21
The mother of a baby born in Chicago without arms or legs decrees that the baby will not be scientifically killed.
November 22
The harmony which marked the first stage of the Near East peace conference has begun to crack.
November 23
A senator predicts that 1,000,000 people in Europe will die of starvation this winter from actual starvation, food riots, unemployment uprisings, and revolutions.
November 24
La Porte boys whose circumstances prohibit them from enjoying Thanksgiving dinner will be entertained with a real feed at the Y. M. C. A. by the Salvation Army and the local lodge of Elks.
November 25
Prices crumble on the New York stock exchange. No special reason could be assigned, but it was believed to be due to professional attacks.
November 27
Hundreds gather in the Madison theater for the opening session of the decennial celebration.
November 28
A move against the Ku Klux Klan is made in the house in Washington when a bill to prevent the Klan from sending unsigned communications through the mail is introduced.
November 29
Great Britain suspends relations with Greece because of the execution of six ministers of the Cabinet which fell when King Constantine abdicated.