100 Years Ago Today - November 2021

Look at these statements from headline articles in the La Porte Argus in November 1921. Terminology, capitalization, and what makes headline news can be different. Yet accidents, business, crime, and war still make headlines. Want to read the whole article? It’s on microfilm in the Indiana Room at the Main Library. Staff will be glad to help you access it. 


November 1-6 

Constable Anderson, Prosecutor Rowley, and Dr. Stewart find a still in a man’s home. The man was boiling mash when he was arrested. 


The senate passes a resolution declaring November 11th a public holiday. The house passed the resolution on Monday. It now goes to the president for approval. 


Negotiations are being conducted for the sale of Fargher’s Island, Pine lake, to a Michigan man. It was owned by Mr. And Mrs. William Fargher 27 years ago. 


Japanese Premier Takashiro Hara is assassinated at the Central railroad station in Tokyo. A Korean boy stabbed him repeatedly in the breast. 


In a speech at Riley school, Mayor Sallwasser, democratic mayoralty candidate, says stories circulated by the opposition seeking to slur the police are branded as maliciously false. 


Speaking before the Kiwanis club, a Chicago man declares that the street is the world’s greatest university. Sixty-six percent of our boys receive their education there. 


November 8-13 

The La Porte board of education votes on a new high school building to be started in 1922. The site is under consideration. It will accommodate 200 students. 


Herman W. Sallwasser is re-elected mayor of La Porte by a plurality of 387 over Emmet Scott. 


A new bus route in La Porte will go from Lincolnway to J street to Second street to Colfax avenue and return every half hour. 


La Porte pauses for two minutes at noon for silent prayer in tribute to the unknown American soldier boy who now sleeps at Arlington, Virginia, in a garlanded grave. 


Plans are made for the observance of men and boys’ prayer week beginning November 13, an annual event initiated by the Y. M. C. A. association of the world. 


Controversy over telephone rates will be settled at a meeting of the Michigan City company, the La Porte Telephone company, the chamber of commerce of both cities, and township farmers. 


November 15-20 

La Porte children need milk. Only 8 at Central school are normal and the percentage is less at Riley and Maple. The Parent-Teachers assoc. says “A well child is a tractable child. 

Henry Ford offers to buy “the navies of the world at junk prices and then turn them into agricultural machinery and automobiles if the U.S. and other powers will disarm on the seas.” 

A new better film committee will work to show clean films in the moving picture theaters of La Porte. They had a private showing of a film this morning which will be shown next week. 

La Porte’s night school opens with an enrollment of 196. Courses are Commercial (typewriting, etc.), Business English, Mechanical drawing, Spanish, Beginning English, and Mathematics. 

About 200,000 Mennonites will migrate from Canada to Mexico. Their trek is expected to last two years. They claim unjust treatment in Canada during the World war. 

On Saturday, the public library in La Porte rented all 20 current fiction books in its first hour. Rent is for seven days only. This makes provision for another book as the rental amounts to $2. 


November 22-30 

The Y. M. C. A. dormitory men vote to have a Christmas tree for poor children. Each man will have one child as his guest at a dinner. Funds for presents will be provided. 

The Business Girls raise $9 to pay the board bill at the Bay Tree Inn which a deranged woman is attempting to leave unpaid. The woman will be sent to her home in Chicago. 

An improved elevator will be installed at First National Bank. It makes 300 feet a minute. A new lobby phone desk will inform callers and office occupants will check there when they leave. 


A fund is established to supply tobacco and gifts for “Ole” Magnuson, La Porte boy, who, while playing on the Northwestern football team against Chicago, suffered a broken leg. 

Henri Landru, the Bluebeard of Gambias, is on trial at Versailles, France, on the charge of murdering ten of his more than 20 sweethearts. 

Farmers and bankers of ten corn producing states meet in Indianapolis to devise means to prevent the dumping on the market of millions of bushels of corn at a loss to farmers. 

A new velocipede, to be known as the bicypede because its construction is similar to that of a bicycle, is being manufactured by the Great Western Manufacturing company in La Porte.

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