Look at these statements from headline articles in the La Porte Argus in May 1922. Terminology, capitalization, and what makes headline news can be different. Yet accidents, business, crime, and war still make headlines. Want to read the whole article? It’s on microfilm in the Indiana Room at the Main Library. Staff will be glad to help you access it.
May 1
La Porte Kiwanians circulate petitions calling upon the powers that be to provide the city with a public comfort station. This has been a crying need for a number of years.
May 2
Unsettled weather was on the cards today when Indiana voters casting ballots in the first state-wide primary in which women have participated went to the polls.
May 3
John D. Rockefeller’s granddaughter Mathilde McCormick, 17,denies published reports that she had been jilted by Max Oser. She says she will marry him soon because age 18 is too old to wed.
May 4
Some fellow, home man or stranger must have a peculiar liking for olives. Fifteen bottles of perfectly good olives were taken from the Bluffside resort.
May 5
“A real clothing store” is what a customer said yesterday and in fact it’s said every day of Lows’ Clothing Store. He had bought a hand tailored suit and then asked for a moderate priced one too.
May 6
La Porteans today threw open the gates of the city to 8,000 rural folks who gathered for the annual county day celebration.
May 8
Forty new members were taken into the fellowship of the First Baptist church at the morning services yesterday.
May 9
Russia is striving today to prevent further invasion by Japan within her borders and, if necessary, she will declare war upon Japan.
May 10
Nine graduates were presented with diplomas last evening at the commencement of the Wanatah high school.
May 11
Commencement exercises held at the Stillwell High school last evening brought diplomas to five graduates. The class motto read “More Beyond.”
May 12
President Harding forsakes Washington worries today and departs by in a small cavalcade of cars for New Jersey on a week-end outing to a Senator’s county place and a golf club.
May 13
Work on the new $50,000 school and recreation building of St. Peter’s Catholic church on property immediately north of the church adjoining the rectory will begin on Monday.
May 15
H. Weaver’s son and party win the Yosemite cup for being the first car into Yosemite in 1922. They cut and blast trees and shovel snow, including 50 feet of snow 12 feet deep for 8 hours.
May 16
The pastor of First Christian church in La Porte was on the train wrecked yesterday near Warsaw, Ind. He escaped injury while three coaches of the train toppled into a ditch.
May 17
A prominent La Porte society woman was arrested in Michigan City for driving at an excessive rate of speed. The car was spinning along at the rate of 35 miles an hour. The fine was $5.
May 18
Declaring that the theory of evolution does not deny the Bible, a south Bend pastor delivers a masterful address before the chamber of commerce at the Rumely hotel.
May 19
Roy V. Keller is the new tester for the La Porte County Cow Testing association. He records the amount and quality of milk given by each cow owned by an association member.
May 20
Abraham V. Logan, one of the pioneers of La Porte county and a cousin of President Warren G. Harding’s father, passes away at his Noble township home.
May 22
The staid old United States senate is thrown into an uproar today when a verbal clash between a republican and a democrat erupts and is stopped through intervention of mutual friends.
May 23
One of America’s leading authorities on cancer says, “The newspapers can cure more cases of cancer by preaching the gospel of immediate examination and treatment than the doctors can.”
May 24
There were 200 diners at the business girls’ banquet at the Masonic Temple. They had a meeting, a delightful address from the Salvation Army captain, and entertainment.
May 25
Rudolph Valentino marries in Mexico. However his divorce from Jean Acker does not take effect for some months, so authorities are determining if his last marriage constitutes bigamy.
May 26
You’ll see the greatest variety of straw hats in La Porte at Peterson-Droege-Blankenschein. The new fancy tan braids are beautiful, you’ll like them a lot; everybody does.
May 27
The wedding of Mary Landon Baker and Allister McCormick, from two rich Chicago families, is postponed. On two previous occasions, the nuptials were balked because the bride didn’t show.
May 29
The G.A.R. and veterans of the Spanish-American war and world war request the business houses of La Porte to observe Memorial day by closing at least during the parade and ceremony.
May 31
An exhibit of school work by La Porte pupils will be at the Central school auditorium for two days. There will be painting, penmanship, posters, kindergarten work, map work, etc.