Look at these statements from headline articles in the La Porte Argus in March 1922. Terminology, capitalization, and what makes headline news can be different. Yet accidents, business, crime, and war still make headlines. Want to read the whole article? It’s on microfilm in the Indiana Room at the Main Library. Staff will be glad to help you access it.
March 1
The idea of locating the new high school at the south end of Michigan avenue meets opposition.
March 2
One year of Warren G. Harding finds the United States rapidly recovering from the aftermath of the world war.
March 3
A host of 20,000 Mennonites are leaving Canada because of alleged persecution for the promised land, Chihauhau, Mexico, where the sect has purchased 209,000 acres and laid out 20 villages.
March 4
Italian industrialists are anxious to go into business with America for the exploitation of the Near-Eastern market.
March 6
Construction of the $50,000 addition to the Stillwell high school by Decker Bros. Hardware Co. of La Porte will begin as soon as the weather is favorable.
March 7
Feeding La Porte school children milk and crackers at 10 o’clock every morning has become very popular. Few are dependent on the fund for those whose parents do not wish to or can’t pay.
March 8
Precautions are being made to prevent the spread of smallpox among the 500 Maple school children. Two families have been placed under quarantine. Vaccination is advised.
March 9
A 16-year-old, the first lad in knee pants to enter the Prison North in Michigan City, begins wearing the regular prison uniform and starts on the “quarry squad.”
March 10
British troops, withdrawn from Ireland, are arriving in India to promote self government in India.
March 11
Father and Son Week in La Porte will be held March 20-25. The Masonic temple, Y. M. C. A., Kiwanis club, Camp Roosevelt, Rumely hotel, and chamber of commerce are involved.
March 13
President Harding and his party are on a houseboat trip.
March 14
A new consolidated school will be erected in Cass township. There are currently four poorly equipped scattered one room school houses.
March 15
A jury commission member says few Indiana counties place the names of women in the jury box. Women are not anxious to serve as jurors. However, their names can be admitted if they desire.
March 16
The county commissioners will conduct a sale of 35 beef cattle at the county asylum. They will be replaced by a herd of dairy cattle.
March 17
A former La Porte boy and World War veteran dies of tuberculosis. This is a pathetic example of the lack of interest taken in the welfare of the ex-soldier by the government.
March 18
From Hammond-The county jail and poor farm are filled with insane men. State institutions for the insane are filled. Places are needed for the moonshine insane, a mental and physical illness.
March 20
La Porte physicians deny an epidemic of Spanish influenza, but many are ill.
March 21
Holy Family hospital in La Porte has a new X-Ray machine. Photographic work was the limit of the old machine. The new one can be used for treatments and diagnoses on a special screen.
March 22
Answer to shall the new La Porte high school, of built, contain a civic auditorium? An auditorium would be of no value to the students if it did not provide roof for the public.
March 23
The Johnstone Tire & Rubber Co. of La Porte is rapidly increasing its volume of business. At present it manufactures 100 tires and 306 inner tubes a day.
March 24
At a meeting at Central school in La Porte, the 300 persons in attendance voted almost unanimously for a central location for the new high school.
March 25
A woman sues a Chicago millionaire for $50,000,000 when he jilts her after promising to make her his wife. This is the most staggering sum ever asked as recompense for a “broken heart.”
March 27
Louis P. Swift, Jr., son of the millionaire packer, must answer to charges of driving while intoxicated in Chicago. Swift denies he was intoxicated.
March 28
Some thief or thieves entered the rabbitry of E. E. Coddington, 1704 Michigan Ave., La Porte, during the night and made away with six New Zealand Red rabbits, one of the finest breeds.
March 29
The rarest collection of old laces in the world outside the Vatican is property of Edith Rockefeller McCormick. The 18 laces are valued at $100,000.
March 30
Rosa and Josefa Blazek, famous as “Siamese Twins,” die in Chicago.
March 31
A stranger at the Medway restaurant in La Porte tricks an employee into giving him five extra dollars while changing a $10 bill.