Look at these statements from headline articles in the La Porte Argus in June 1920. Terminology, capitalization, and what makes headline news can be different. Yet accidents, business, crime, and war still make headlines. Want to read the whole article? It’s on microfilm in the Indiana Room at the Main Library. Staff will be glad to help you access it.
June 1-6
The Republican convention may find suffrage pickets to the right of it and Irish pickets to the left of it. It may enjoy being the most picketed political convention in history.
The J. C. Penney store, Michigan avenue between Lincolnway and State street, is open today and marks the opening of the 29th store of this firm. The proprietors are wide-awake business men.
During May, 52 store doors were found unlocked by the police who notified owners to be more careful of their property. Nine gentlemen without place to repose for the night were cared for.
The summer bowling league tourney rolled on Shelton Bros. alleys are proving quite an attraction to bowling fans and is drawing many of those who before did not care for the games.
La Porte police look for a new Dodge touring car stolen in St. Joseph by two young boys who are supposed to be near this vicinity and will attempt to sell it.
No little excitement was experienced in a Lincoln Way barber shop. The wife of an employee entered and made a rush for her husband with the intention of doing him injury.
June 8-13
Along Michigan avenue in front of the Chicago hotels where the candidates at the Republican convention are, hawkers sell cowbells, feather ticklers, and other New Years eve like devices.
The Michigan City Board of Health offers $25 to $50 for a pint of your blood. Payment is made after the blood is tested and is up to the set standard.
Deaths from influenza in Indiana totaled 97 last month, whereas the normal May death total is 29. Tuberculosis, as usual, led the fatality list with 318 deaths.
A large number of specimens of Hessian Fly have been found on samples of spring wheat in the county. Wheat men say that the fly finds its nesting places in winter wheat only.
Tragedy is in the air for strawberry lovers. The blazing heat of the past few days means that short-cakes will be few and far between this summer.
Bubonic plague has spread to Tampico, center of the American oil industry in the southern sections and in Mexico. A supply of vaccine and serums will be rushed to the scene.
June 15-20
A box ball bowling alley installed in Shelton Bros.’ recreation parlors is quite an attraction. The game is played with a lighter ball and the pins are set by a lever operated by the player.
Senator Warren G. Harding, Republican nominee for president, wants a “front porch” campaign. His home in Marion, Ohio, is fitted up to that end.
Utica, New York police are watching for a large Pierce Arrow touring car, painted light blue, driven by a draft dodger from a very wealthy family. He will be given a heavy prison sentence.
Tonight the high school graduates will get sheep-skins. Many will continue in higher schools, but for some tonight will mark the end of school careers.
Fifty-three boys and girls left high school last night in final ceremonies at Central School. The boys started a new custom with white trousers and dark coats.
The High school alumni annual evening is June 23. There will be vaudeville acts, music by local artists, and a tribute to Dr. Hailmann, superintendent here 30 years ago.
June 22-30
No little excitement was experienced by passengers on the Northern Indiana Interurban car Monday evening. A husband and wife started a cutting affair mixed with some real hot language.
Two divorce cases are filed. A husband alleges he is afraid his wife will poison him and that she has cursed him at odd times. A wife with 6 children alleges abandonment by a former sheriff.
General John J. Pershing is taken ill before he was to address the Harvard alumni association.
He had received an honorary degree from Harvard earlier in the day and from Yale yesterday.
President Wilson is anxious to have a democratic state ratify the suffrage amendment. If Tennessee fails to act, he counts on North Carolina.
There are bugs and bugs but the worst of all is the golf bug. Moon light golf is the latest fad at the La Porte Country club. Not a ball was lost last night.
The democratic national convention is in full sway in San Francisco. The first dramatic scene of the day was five spic and span marines in sparkling blue uniforms on the speaker’s bridge.
William G. McAdoo, former treasury secretary, will be nominated for the democratic presidential candidate. Thomas R. Marshall, U.S. vice president, is the most potential dark horse.
The motor truck factory of the International Harvester Co., the largest truck plant in the world, will be established at Ft. Wayne. This city was considered about a year ago for the location.