Look at these statements from headline articles in the La Porte Argus in January 1922. Terminology, capitalization, and what makes headline news can be different. Yet accidents, business, crime, and war still make headlines. Want to read the whole article? It’s on microfilm in the Indiana Room at the Main Library. Staff will be glad to help you access it.
January 3
The Bastian-Morley company decides to stay in La Porte, enlarge the plant and increase the working force.
January 4
The operators of three soft drink parlors in Michigan City are arrested on charges of violating the liquor law.
January 5
It is rather expensive to hunt rabbits or other game in La Porte county with a ferret. Seven hunters were arrested yesterday and each were fined $15 plus $4.40 in court costs for doing so.
January 6
With six inch ice on Pine lake, Hilt Ice will start harvesting the crop tomorrow. One hundred men will be employed for about two days. Stone lake ice will be harvested at ten inch thickness.
January 7
In the past year, Holy Family hospital admitted 1,488 patients and cared for 1,518. The total for expenditures was $37.978.51.
January 8
J. Ogden Armour, multi-millionaire Chicago packer, may hold the position of director in the Illinois Central or the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad, but not both of them.
January 10
A dapper young chap in South Bend is charged with shooting his sweetheart with intent to kill. Examination to find a jury of twelve men to hear the case begins this afternoon.
January 11
Dealers numbering 223 are attending the Advance-Rumely tractor school this week. One of the best lectures was “Rumely Tractor.” Also discussed were lubricating problems and oils.
January 12
Premier Briand of France resigns over criticism over his policy in the Supreme Court meeting at Cannes during a violent uproar. The cabinet’s resignation went with that of the premier.
January 13
Raymond Poincare, former president of France, accepts the French premiership with dramatic suddenness although it had been expected.
January 14
The Advance-Rumely dealers adopt the slogan “Work, work, work until it hurts” for the new year.
January 15
China is torn by internal strife. A new revolution there on a bigger scale than any other in the last 11 years is believed to be imminent. There is already civil war between the North and South.
January 17
Lows’ Clothing Store is having a half price sale this week. Get men’s and ladies’ sweaters, fur and seal skin caps, and beautiful and serviceable mufflers.
January 18
Official notice of the merger of the Haskell & Barker Car Co. And the Pullman Co. and the operation of the local plant under the new organization is given to employees today.
January 19
Street signs with names in letters eight inches tall is a good idea. La Porte’s small signs were all right when folks jogged along leisurely behind Dobbin and could top to squint, but not in 1922.
January 20
Pope Benedict XV is on the verge of death. He has double pneumonia.
January 21
Pope Benedict XV is dead.
January 22
Steps to make Michigan City as dry as the Sahara desert were taken by the new city administration when police arrested three men on the charge of breaking prohibition laws.
January 24
There are 115 men at work on Pine Lake for the Hilt Co., 100 men on Stone lake for the Consumers Co., and a force on Fish lake for Swift & Co. Ice harvesting will be done soon.
January 25
A La Porte woman who discovered her husband had two other wives has her marriage annulled.
January 26
Final rites for Pope Benedict are conducted in the great cathedral of St. Peter’s. The mortal remains will rest as close as possible to the tomb of Peter.
January 27
Henry Ford announces that with a new cut, a new Ford touring car, a truck and a tractor can now be purchased for a total of $1,137, close to the goal of $1,000 he made several years ago.
January 28
The Studebaker Sales Corporation of South America places an order with the factory at South Bend for 15,000 Light Six cars.
January 29
Eight Notre Dame football players confess they participated in a football game in Illinois last fall which aroused a storm of protest against professionalism.
January 31
Look at the number on your car’s license plate! If it matches the ones in the Central theatre’s advertisements, you will receive two admission tickets.