Look at these statements from headline articles in the La Porte Argus in February 1922. Terminology, capitalization, and what makes headline news can be different. Yet accidents, business, crime, and war still make headlines. Want to read the whole article? It’s on microfilm in the Indiana Room at the Main Library. Staff will be glad to help you access it.
February 1
Authorization of the sale of light wines and beer and the use of taxes on their sales for a soldiers bonus are advocated by the house ways and means committee in Washington.
February 2
Wanatah will have a factory for the manufacture of bicycles and accessories.
February 3
Black smoke issues from the Sistine Chapel twice today, indicating no selection of a pope has been made.
February 4
The third ballot for a new pope to succeed the late Benedict XV reveals that no candidate received the two-thirds majority necessary to elect.
February 6
Cardinal Ratti, a comparatively young man, is elected pope on the seventh ballot. His early life was spent in the mountains of northern Italy. He chooses the name Pius XI.
February 7
A wife wants divorce from a man who would come home from work with sooty clothing and go to bed fro the purpose of soiling the bedding and vomit on the floor and bedding while drunk.
February 8
Sites for a new La Porte city building include the property at Jefferson and Indiana used as an auto market in the summer and the Bradley property at the corner of Jefferson and Monroe.
February 9
Ten thousand persons in Uniontown, Pa., about one-half of the population, are ill with influenza. Mortality is not as great as the epidemic there during the fall of 1918 and the winter of 1919.
February 10
Japanese Premier Takahashi declares that a new era of peace and prosperity is dawning for the Pacific and the world as a result of the Washington conference.
February 11
The expected flood of German immigrants to the United States following the resumption of diplomatic relations has not taken place.
February 13
Sixty-five members of the La Porte Kiwanis Club listen to school Superintendent Trester speak about possible sites for a new high school Suggestions will be received from citizens.
February 14
The Los Angeles division of the Boy Scouts of America gives the Couturier Co. one of its largest single contracts, 118 brass instruments for a band plus 30 bugles in excess of $15,000.
February 15
Last evening 250 members of the La Porte Business Girls’ association were entertained at an elaborate Valentine party hosted by the girls of the Walther league at Walther League hall.
February 16
La Porte bank statistics show pe0ple are saving money in spite of a business depression. A bank official says “no farmer has been turned away who is deserving of or entitled to credit.”
February 17
A rumor that Mathilde McCormick, 17 years old and beautiful, granddaughter of the world’s richest man John D. Rockefeller, will wed Max Oser, 48, a Swiss riding master, is circulating.
February 18
The new Wilder school in Dewey township has three class rooms for 100 students, a library, and inside toilets. The basement is entirely above ground to eliminate dampness.
February 20
The radio “craze” has seized La Porte, as is evidenced by the firms and individuals installing or planning to install radio telephone sets.
February 21
La Porte’s Parent-Teacher association drops its campaign to raise funds to provide milk and will now care only for individual children as brought to their attention by school authorities.
February 22
Henry F. Schricker, cashier of Starke Couty Trust & Savings bank and former editor of the Starke County Democrat, feels out prominent La Porte democrats on his candidacy for congress.
February 23
John Kreidler retires from the Kreidler Clothing company which he entered business with his father Mat Kreidler 40 years ago. His interest is purchased by Elmer Kreidler, Mat’s grandson.
February 24
The Zorn Products & Cold Storage Co. of Michigan City is raided by Federal officials. The brewery was seized and the contents of the vats confiscated.
February 25
Hundreds of people were turned away from the La Porte Phoenix theatre last night when the annual fiddlers’ contest was held. About 12 violinists participated. The oldest was 85.
February 27
Delegates at the National Education convention in Chicago call for more plain common sense in teaching morals and religion to children.
February 28
Princess Mary, only daughter of King George and Queen Mary, is married to Viscount Lascelles in Westminster Abbey. It was the first marriage in the reigning royal family in nearly 29 years.