100 Years Ago Today - August 2024

Look at these statements from headline articles in The La Porte Daily Argus in August 1924. Terminology, capitalization, and what makes headline news can be different. Yet accidents, business, crime, and war still make headlines. Want to read the whole article? It’s on microfilm in the Indiana Room at the Main Library. Staff will be glad to help you access it.


August 1

The city has taken up active consideration of the recently proposed plan of the Izaak Walton league to divert storm water from the streets into Clear lake in order to restore it to its former level and beauty.

August 2

The first street dance of the season will be given on Maple avenue in the block between Michigan and Indiana avenues Wednesday night immediately following the band concert.

August 4

(Aboard the U.S.S. Richmond, off Iceland) – The Boston, United States army around the world flight plane piloted from Santa Monica three-fourths of the way around the world by Lieutenant Leigh Wade, was abandoned today near Sumbae Light, off the Island of Syderos, near where it was forced down by engine trouble Sunday.

August 5

While a substantial saving will be affected by the purchase of another oil engine unit for the Kankakee pumping station, the water and finance committees of the city council urged careful consideration of all details before discarding electric power, in a report read at the council meeting Monday night.

August 6

(Milwaukee) – Wisconsin’s death toll in the series of wind, rain and electrical storms which have been sweeping the state since Sunday night, rose to eight today, as three additional deaths were reported.

August 7

(Fort Wayne, Ind.) – Eddie Zimmer of Indianapolis, Indiana state amateur golf champion, was playing in old time form this morning in the fourth day of play in the state tournament and had V. Kercheval of Indianapolis 7 down in 18 holes of the 38 hole match.

August 8

(Washington) – Robert M. LaFollette met the Ku Klux Klan issue today with an open denunciation of the order by name.

August 9

(South Bend, Ind.) – Two small boys were killed by lightning and a third was injured during a heavy thunderstorm that swept this city about noon Friday.

August 11

Lemuel Darrow is glad that he awoke Sunday night. After a considerable effort he aroused himself. He felt dizzy. Investigating the lawyer found that the weight of a gas fixture in his den, also on the second floor, had broken the pipe.

August 12

Lincoln Way re-surfaced with asphalt and the Chicago, South Bend & Northern Indiana Railway company tracks on State street – that is the dream of Mayor Herman W. Sallwasser.

August 13

(New York) – Election betting in New York has grown to such magnitude that it now ranks with other high powered transactions along the Wall street money front.

August 14

(Washington) – All issues will be joined and the campaign swung into “full speed ahead” tonight when President Coolidge is formally notified of his nomination by the Republican party and responds with his speech of acceptance.

August 15

(Dayton, O.) – Marion Crablece, 81, danced himself to death. Exhaustion resulting from excessive dancing for a man of his age was the cause of his death, according to relatives who said they were unable to keep Crablece away from the public dance halls where he was known as an excellent dancer.

August 16

Taxes will be lower in La Porte county next year. The total cost of running the county offices next year will be $310,398, according to the estimates of the office holders submitted to the county council in session at the court house Friday afternoon.

August 18

Two minor auto accidents and the theft of a watch were the only things of note that happened over the weekend, which was characterized by police today as the most quiet of this summer.

August 19

(Warsaw, Ind.) – The first frost of the season in Indiana was reported by Kosciusko county early today. The temperature this morning stood at 35, the coldest Aug. 19 in a decade.

August 20

(Kansas City, Mo.) – Four bandits held up the Corn Exchange bank here today and escaped with $13,000 in cash.

August 21

Advance sale for reserved seats for grandstand now on sale at A. J. Miller’s Smokehouse at $1 for box seats and 50c for reserved seats for afternoons and 50c for box seats 25c for reserved seats for night show, including admission to grandstand enclosure.

August 22

Five local young persons had a narrow escape from death about 7:15 Thursday evening when the Dodge sedan in which they were riding struck a cow four miles east of the city, dashed across the Lincold highway, down a 10-foot embankment into a wire fence, and bounced back against a concrete culvert.

August 23

(Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Ariz.) – Mars came within 34,600,000 miles of the earth early last night, blinked his red eye and went away into space again, still as mysterious as ever in most respects.

August 25

(On Board the U.S.S. Richmond) – Lieutenant Locatelli, the missing Italian aviator and his three flying companions were rescued by the Richmond at 11:35 o’clock Sunday night.

August 26

“I just wanted to see how fast I could go,” said George Disbrow, 16, when arraigned in city court today on a charge of speeding 44 miles per hour on Weller avenue.

August 27

Previous records for attendance the first night of the LaPorte county fair were shattered Tuesday night when 1,922 persons swarmed the grounds, according to J. Vene Dorland, treasurer of the La Porte County Agricultural association. The Tuesday night crowd in 1923 numbered 1,798.

August 28

(Detroit, Mich.) – Henry Ford, homeward bound on his yacht in Lake Ontario, used the wireless last night to repudiate an interview defending the Klan, purported to have been given out by him in Montreal.

August 29

(New York) – Officially and unofficially welcomed in messages from air, land and sea, the Prince of Wales reached America today.

August 30

(Shanghai) – Eighty American marines arrived from Cheefoo today to prepare to aid in the defense of the American settlement in Shanghai should the threatened civil war bring an attack upon the city.

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