100 Years Ago Today - November 2019

Look at these statements from headline articles in the La Porte Argus in November 1919. Terminology, capitalization, and what makes headline news can be different. Yet accidents, business, crime, and war still make headlines. Want to read the whole article? It’s on microfilm in the Indiana Room at the Main Library. Staff will be glad to help you access it. 

November 1-9 

The raisin mash confiscated by police in a raid on a moonshine establishment near Michigan City was poured into the sewer by the police department while government reps looked on. 

Two men are charged with aiding and abetting a lottery, acting as a lottery agent, selling lottery tickets, and transmitting money to a lottery in their businesses. 

President Wilson will not be able to go to the polls this year because of his illness. For 7 years, his special train went to and from Princeton, N. J. where he cast his straight democratic ticket. 

La Porte shoe dealers learn that an increase of $4 will be effective on every shoe and oxford this spring. It will still be possible to buy $4 to $5 shoes. They will be made of paper. 

To save coal, discontinue street lighting on moonlight nights, service for electric signs and window lighting, service for fountains and other wastes, etc. 

La Porte’s only celebration of Armistice day next Tuesday will be at Wolf hall. The intellectual and musical feast of the evening will be followed by dancing to the Advance-Rumely orchestra. 

The Little Giant Washing Machine company is La Porte’s new industry. Their machine is the only one made for use in small families and in flat buildings which have laundry facilities. 

At the Phoenix will be seen an extraordinary feature photo-drama, “Love, Honor, and –?” about a rebellious wife and a determined husband. It should be of great interest to all. 

November 11-16 

Propped up in bed President Wilson watches from a white house window the first celebration of the end of the war. The celebration was in Lafayette square just opposite the White House. 

La Porte’s next campaign is sales of Red Cross Christmas Seals to fight the “White Plague.” The announcement is made to all 92 county tuberculosis associations. 

There are 15 or 16 cases of smallpox in the city. Children seem to be the target as they make up the majority of the cases. All of the cases are of a mild nature. 

A factory watchman from Hammond calls on a widow he wants to marry. However, she does not want to marry him. Police come and give him verbal chastisement which he will not forget. 

Illinois Senator Paul Simon, 65, says he will retire and not seek a third Senate term in 1996. 

Water meters will be installed in all homes in this city because too many people waste water through careless usage. 

Two Michigan City couples climbing Waterford hill at a low speed in their automobile turn to miss a racing speed maniac. A second later they are at the bottom of the 20 foot embankment. 

November 18-23 

Darkness settled over the city last night. Street and store lighting was curtailed to the lowest degree to conserve coal. 

A man who lodged at the police station last night was found to be insane and an escaped lunatic. He will be returned to Longcliff in Logansport which he had escaped from a few days ago. 

Three new Maxwell touring cars arrive minus a majority of their working parts. Thieves had removed tires, carburetors, etc. They were also smashed because braces had been removed. 

Chamber of Commerce men provide an evening of entertainment for their wives and sweethearts at the Masonic Temple. The “Wicked Eight” sing and humorous photos were shown on screen. 

The Elks plan for their new home in the library building on Maple Ave. The basement will have a buffet, billiard room, bowling alleys, and showers. The lodge room will be on the second floor. 

Indiana will go on a four pounds per capita per month sugar ration. Candy and soft drink manufacturers will operate with a reduced supply. 

November 25-30 

Two wayward La Porte girls are picked up in the Wicked City. They are in police custody in Chicago. 

Forty-five members of the Protected Home Circle attend ceremonies in South Bend. The fraternity has been growing by leaps and bounds during the past few months. 

A sudden flash and quake creates a stir. The Aurora Magnetism, termed by scientists, brings sudden and weird illumination of the heavens. It disturbed Illinois, Michigan., and Indiana. 

Notices are posted in coal mines offering a 14% increase in wages to miners who return to their work. 

By the use of a cleverly contrived hook, after the window had been broken, a thief steals $1500 worth of jewelry from the window of the E. C. Lay store on Lincolnway. 

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